Protocols foster educational and social equity in the classroom by empowering all learners to work collaboratively in reflective democratic communities that create and support powerful learning experiences for everyone.
The following protocols were used during the SI 2010 and are linked here for your convenience:
Affinity Mapping
Block Party
Final Word
Chalk Talk
Descriptive Review
Mini Descriptive Review (See Reader)
Four S's
Dual Text
Thanks Christine! I appreciate it.
ReplyDeletePrior to my experience in the SDAWP, I hadn't used the word protocol to describe the procedures used in my classroom. I've really appreciated the exposure to such a wide range of protocols. Even the ones I disliked (*ahem* final word, "stripping") were important for me to experience because while I still dislike them, I can see how they might be beneficial to some of my students, and that's really what matters. I really liked the affinity mapping protocol because it worked how my mind beings to develop ideas- a sea of ideas that need some sort of organization. I enjoyed putting the post-its where I thought they went best from my point of view, but also seeing how my colleagues put them together showed me how to look at things from another perspective. It was important to see this because it gave me new interpretations of the same data. I will definitely use this in my classroom in the fall.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that I knew some of these protocols prior to the SI really helped shape some of my presentations for my master's program. Now that I've learned a few more, I can't wait to try them in my classroom!
ReplyDeleteThe most important piece in using protocols is using them purposefully. I always find that my students get the most out of a conversation framed by a specific protocol and the more time I spend deliberately choosing the protocol, the better the outcome. For example, what you were saying above Heather, about Affinity Mapping working to develop and explore ideas. If you try to use this protocol when you have one particular question for students to answer, you won't find it anywhere near as deep and meaningful as using it to allow them to investigate a broad issue.
ReplyDeleteI recommend the following:
1.) Adapt, adapt, adapt! Change around whatever you need to in order to make the protocol work for you;
2.) Google NSRF protocols and explore what they offer;
3.) Take a look at "The Power of Protocols," which in my opinion is really useful when looking for protocols to use with your staff.
Like Heather, I had never used the term "protocol" in my classroom to refer to the procedures and activities we do. However, I like the term and I know it is now one that has become embedded into my daily teacher language. I am excited to adapt the various protocols we learned this summer and make them more kid-friendly for my first graders. I specifically want to try Block Party, Final Word, Strip Club, and Descriptive Review with my students. Thanks Kendra for the additional tips and places to look to learn more.
ReplyDeleteI could definitely see myself using some of the protocols we practiced with my students. We deal a lot with issues like: bullying, friendship, respect,... The Block Party might be a great way to get them talking about their feelings with each other. I also like the Chalk Talk protocol. You could really modify that for any area. Ann's demo was a wonderful example. I am really excited to try some of these ideas with my kiddos next year!
ReplyDeleteI really appreciated the protocols in that they allowed different types of learners to access the material and participate. I haven't used protocols very often and these are wonderful tools to better manage and direct classroom talk. For myself, I appreciated seeing mini-descriptive review and being reminded of the power of doing the descriptive review with others while looking at a student work that is not my own. This helps with objectivity. I hope to find someone who will invest the time in mimi-decriptive review with me.
ReplyDeleteI loved many of these protocols, even the one that made me feel uncomfortable. I am sure there are many others out there. I hear that Susan dreams them up in her sleep. Susan are you writing a protocol book? I need it. This is something I am definitely taking back to the classroom with me.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED being part of the protocols...thinking about which ones could work for me, and which ones probably would not. Personally, I just cannot stand drawing...so I find it hard to be "peppy" about getting my students to do it. What I did find interesting is that I am sure some students feel the same way about group work and/or writing as I do about drawing.
ReplyDeleteI think my two favorite protocols were "The Final Word" and "Block Party" because of how they got me to interact with other people. My least favorite protocol (Sorry, Heather) was the affinity mapping. That gave me a headache...and I wanted to put ideas and multiple spots...and I was overwhelmed by the amount of post-its. I almost felt like Dustin Hoffman in "Rainman," stuck, counting all the toothpicks on the floor: "About 25 post-its...definitely 25 post-its...." Yeah...not for me.
I will be definitely trying out some non-affinity mapping protocols this fall!
Also, I loved the different protocols that made our discussions of academic reading much more interesting and engaging! I will definitely use some of these protocols in my classroom. Thanks for showing us so many choices!
ReplyDeleteThe term "protocol" is new to me. As mentioned before, I never realized that there was a specific name to some of the things I was doing in my classroom. I am very excited that we got to actually try these. I am a very hands-on learner and it helped everything sink into my brain when we did the protocols. Plus, it allowed me to experience some of the feelings that my students might feel as they are asked to participate in a protocol and that will help me with my planning of it. I completely agree with Kendra - planning for the protocols is going be essential if I want to get the most out of them, but I am really excited to bring some of the new ones back to class with me and am going to see if I can get the book for even more ideas. Susan...if you ever do write a book - send it my way!
ReplyDeleteMy two favorites were Block Party and Affinity Mapping. See how I did that? Bridging the gap between Mark and Heather! Block Party works so well for getting people to talk to others they might normally shy away from or ignore. Affinity Mapping is great for people like me and Heather, who need to see the mess spread out all over the big paper, and then work with others to see possible ways to organize.
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ReplyDeleteI don't know, Judy...wouldn't someone who likes affinity mapping find bridges too orderly? Ha...